South Africa: Cosatu Gauteng Concerned About NPO Budget Cuts

press release

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Gauteng is deeply concerned about the potential closure of non-profit organisations (NPOs) and resultant job losses due to funding cuts.

This comes after NPOs expressed their distress as the Department of Social Development, without proper consultation or notice, cut funding to the majority of NPOs in the province. These NPOs are now faced with an uncertain future and fear they might be forced to close their doors. This will result in job losses and negatively impact the capacity to serve those in need, given the high unemployment rate and fragile state of the economy in the province.

The Gauteng Department of Social Development changed the procedure through which it approves funding to NPOs. Unfortunately, this new process saw it redirect R15 million previously budgeted for the supply of dignity packs to newly formed adjudication panels.

COSATU in the Gauteng province urges the department to reconsider this decision and consult thoroughly with the concerned NPOs. We further undertake to have a meeting with the provincial government, to discuss this matter and explore solutions.

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