South Africa: Will Foreign Policy Differences Be a Deal-Breaker in South Africa's Coalition Negotiations?


The ANC has sharp differences over foreign policy with other political parties. The question is whether these differences will be deal breakers in ongoing negotiations to form a government of national unity or a coalition.

ANC leaders have made it clear that they will not give ground, especially on their pro-Palestine policy, including the referral of Israel to the International Court of Justice for alleged genocide in Gaza.

The DA, which obtained the second highest number of votes in the national elections after the ANC, has been more nuanced on the issue, though leaning towards Israel.

The two parties also disagree fundamentally on Russia's war against Ukraine. The ANC has steadfastly insisted it is "non-aligned", but clearly tilts towards Russia. The DA has strongly supported Ukraine against Moscow's aggression.

Some ANC insiders are adamant that the party is so irreconcilably opposed to the DA on several foreign policy issues, especially Gaza, that a coalition is impossible. "Their point of view on international relations is to be led by the West which we could never agree to," one senior South African diplomat told Daily Maverick.

Even former president Kgalema Motlanthe, a relatively moderate voice in the ANC, has raised Gaza as a potential problem in coalition negotiations with the DA. He told the Sunday Times that the DA "might say, for example, you can't take Israel to the International Court of Justice, or that...

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