Kenya: Over 200 Gikomba Traders Whose Structures Were Demolished Want President Ruto's Intervention

Nairobi — Over 200 traders from Gikomba have now appealed to president William Ruto personally intervene and have their premises restored.

The traders told journalists at Milimani Law Court that it is now two onths since their premises were demolished by Nairobi County Askaris.

They said the demolitions have cost them big loss in their businesses and their Children have been chased away from school due to lack of school fees.

They through their lawyer Danstan Omari said that the president had personally promised to assist them retain the premises for purpose of their business.

They want a quick action taken so that they can go back to their business. They further said that they were not given a notice as required by law.

Their lawyer said he will be filing an application seeking an injunction against Nairobi County government from taking over the premise.

Omari further said that the lives of many traders is in danger and some have been taken ill and the intervention of the government would restore them back.

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