Malawi: DPP Accused of Ignoring Its Campaigner, Hope Chisanu, in Death - Namalomba Says Blame Mbc for His Unfair Dismissal

Some Malawians are accusing the former governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for allegedly betraying the spirit of the fallen radio personality and apparently the party's sympathizer Hope Chisanu.

The concerned citizens say they expected the party to take a role in repatriation of the remains of Chisanu from the United States of America (USA) where he died a few days ago.

The accusation follows a plea Vivian Chisale posted on her Facebook page asking for help from the people to bring Chisanu's body to his village in Zomba for burial.

Chisanu was a fierce campaigner of the DPP using the public broadcaster - the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) television and radio where he worked.

But some people feel the party has demonstrated that it does not have any business Chisanu anymore now that he is dead.

However, in an interview on Monday, DPP spokesperson Shadric Namalomba said it was not true that Chisanu campaigned for the party.

Namalomba argued that the deceased was simply doing his duties as a public officer.

"Truth must be told that late Hope (may his soul rest in eternal peace) was a public officer working for a government entity, MBC. MBC, just as is the case, now covers functions of the seating Head of State. Late Hope was therefore not campaigning for DPP using MBC. He was just doing his work as an employee of MBC assigned to cover functions of Head of State then. So lecture to those sections of society that do not know the existence of separation of powers, the mandate of MBC etc," he said.

However, Namalomba said DPP is equally empathetic to the demise of Hope and the financial challenges the family has encountered to repatriate his remains.

He disclosed that some DPP members have mobilized resources, which will be given to the family to bring back the remains of Hope back home.

"Otherwise, MBC and Chakwera leadership should be held responsible for the death of Hope. Why did they fire a person just because he served the previous regime? Everyone has the right and freedom to employment and economic opportunities. Late Hope was unfairly dismissed from MBC.

A government that campaigned on rule of law, is at the forefront breaking the same laws it promised to protect. What a hypocrite government. It is apparent that this Tonse government is not a government of the people for the people. Come 2025, DPP is restoring this country to settings that all Malawians shall be guaranteed their rights and privileges in accordance with the Supreme law of the land, the Constitution," said Namalomba.

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