Morocco: Lebanese FM Underlines Fraternal Ties Between His Country & Morocco, Reaffirms Lebanon's Position in Favor of Kingdom's Sovereignty & Territorial Integrity

Beirut — Lebanon's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Abdallah Bou Habib, highlighted the deep-rooted and long-standing ties of brotherhood uniting his country with the Kingdom of Morocco and its people, reaffirming Lebanon's constant stance in favor of the Kingdom's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Bou Habib said that Lebanon wished to emphasize the deep-rooted, long-standing ties of brotherhood that unite it with the brotherly Kingdom of Morocco and its honorable people.

Reaffirming Lebanon's constant position in favor of the Kingdom's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Minister expressed his country's rejection of any threat to Morocco's security.

This statement follows a telephone call from the Kingdom of Morocco's ambassador to Lebanon, during which the two parties mentioned a conference held in Beirut and marked by positions hostile to the Kingdom, the Minister said, affirming "Lebanon's condemnation of any position and statement undermining the Kingdom of Morocco and threatening its stability and territorial integrity".

He stressed that Lebanon "praises the fraternal relations with Morocco and always aspires to strengthen cooperation between the two brotherly countries in all fields".

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