Zimbabwe: Utterly Unacceptable! - GALZ Says After Anti-Gay Protestors Target Harare Offices

Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe (GALZ) has condemned the intimidation and vandalism by a small group of protestors at its Harare office on Sunday.

The protestors, who claimed to be representing various church organisations painted "hateful" graffiti on the walls while chanting slogans against the LGBTQi community.

In a statement, GALZ said the protests against communities with different values were "unacceptable".

"GALZ, an association of LGBTI People in Zimbabwe, categorically condemns the acts of vandalism and intimidation that occurred 09 June 2024 at our Harare office around 3:30 pm.

"A group of individuals claiming to represent various Christian churches descended on our Harare centre, chanting slogans against homosexuality.

"They proceeded to vandalize the property, painting hateful graffiti on the walls," wrote GALZ

The incident has since been reported to the police.

"GALZ has filed an official police report, and we are cooperating fully with the ongoing investigations. We call on the authorities to hold the perpetrators accountable for these criminal actions.

"This act of violence has not been committed in isolation, it is a stark reminder of the ongoing discrimination and hostility that our community faces", said GALZ.

GALZ urged religious and political leaders to condemn such "acts of hate" and to uphold the constitutional rights and freedoms of all citizens.

"We urge religious and political leaders to condemn such acts of hate and to uphold the constitutional rights and freedoms for all citizens to be protected by law regardless of their diverse backgrounds including sexual orientation, gender identity and expression", added GALZ.

Recently a group led by the National Chairman of the Voice of Laity Advocacy in Zimbabwe staged an anti-homosexuality protest in Harare. The group is against United Methodist Church's Bishop Nhiwatiwa's vote upholding LGBTQ rights in the church at a General Conference held in the United States of America.

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