Angola: Solidarity Economy Forum Focuses On Reality of Consumption in Angola

Luanda — The second edition of the Solidarity Economy Forum scheduled to take place from 4 to 5 July, this year in Luanda Province, is focused on prioritising the reality of the country regarding several practices used by the population to ensure consumption due to the current challenges of the food market, coordinator of the event, Vânia Frederico, said Tuesday in the capital.

According to her, participants will assess the practices on the informal money loans named "kixikila", share purchase procedure called "sócia" (partner) and the way taxis are filled with passengers, as well as to share experiences from other realities.

During a press conference, the official added that the two days' events will bring together several national and international experts linked to the solidarity economy, in particular with experts from Japan and Brazil.

In turn, Paulo de Angola from the Media Claque communication company, which is a partner of the forum, said that the purpose of the event is to find a model that can be adapted to the reality of the country and to contribute to generate public revenues.

Running under the motto "Social technology to overcome poverty", the Solidarity Economy Forum aims to share experiences that enable people to have food as a source of economic and financial resilience.

Participants include associations, taxi drivers, motorbike taxi drivers, vendors, cooperatives, potential solidarity economy agents, civil servants, researchers, entrepreneurs and businesspeople.

Regarding getting access to the forum, the organisers created a co-payment model, ranging from 500 to 5,000 kwanzas, depending on the amount the interested party has available.

The solidarity economy is an automatic way of managing human and natural resources, so that social inequalities are reduced in the medium and long term, or economic activities of production, distribution, consumption, savings and credit.

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