Uganda: NRM Top Organ Sits Again to Determine Fate of Embattled MPs

The Central Executive Committee (CEC), the top-most decision-making organ of the National Resistance Movement, on Tuesday deferred a meeting called to consider and approve new parliamentary committee members and heads.

Chaired by NRM vice chairman Moses Kigongo, the CEC meeting decided that the decisions on the appointments be suspended until it is clear where the legislators stand with respect to ongoing corruption investigations.

At least three legislators could be spending the night in Kitalya Prison after they were detained and their homes searched in connection to an alleged financial racket involving MPs and some parliament staff and officials from the Ministry of Finance.

The investigations, for which 10 individuals from Parliament and the ministry have been summoned to record statements at the CID headquarters in Kibuli, involves negotiating kickbacks to induce budget estimates.

Our sources inside the CEC meeting intimated that NRM chairperson Yoweri Museveni could not further guide on the matter fear of appointing people to chair committees yet they have criminal offences hovering over their heads.

This matter was deferred awaiting guidance from the security investigations that is investigating the fraud orchestrated by members of parliament.

The director communication at NRM, Mr Emmanuel Dombo, could not deny this.

"We can't rule out any sort of information which help CEC substantiate but also our chairman recieves intelligence brief. So we can't say that is not part of what she wanted," Dombos said.

The NRM central executive committee held an impromptu session chaired by National Vice Chairman Kigongo at office of the prime minister building.

The special sitting despite being called to discuss consideration and approval for nominees for chairpersons, vice chairpersons, and members of the committees - also dwelled on the scandals allegedly involving its members on committees.

The CEC meeting, however, failed to resolve the matter and pushed back the decision another CEC Meeting scheduled for Friday.

"CEC sat and a report was presented by the government chief whip on each of the MPs. But there was pending information to files of legislators in regards and yet you know we ant proper due deligence," Dombo said.

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