Zimbabwe: Second Republic's Infrastructure Achievements a Break From the Past

Infrastructure development by a Government is a critical component of national progress and economic growth.

It involves the construction and maintenance of essential facilities and systems such as roads, bridges, railways, airports and utilities that are vital for efficient transportation, communication, and overall functionality of a society.

In a remarkable display of dedication and progress, Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, Felix Mhona, recently officially opened the newly dualised section of Nemakonde Way, formerly known as Lomagundi Road.

This event marked a significant milestone in Zimbabwe's infrastructure development, underscoring the Government's unwavering commitment to enhancing the nation's transport network despite facing challenges.

Minister Mhona's speech at the 1,84km stretch from Harare Drive to the Westgate traffic circle was a testament to the Second Republic's priorities.

"Under very difficult circumstances with sanctions in this country, it's amazing how His Excellency Comrade Emmerson Mnangagwa is managing to mobilise resources to move with speed," Minister Mhona stated.

This acknowledgment highlights the administration's resilience and innovative approach in navigating economic sanctions to deliver tangible improvements for Zimbabweans.

The Government's firm stance on quality and accountability, as emphasised by Minister Mhona, is particularly noteworthy.

"Under the Second Republic, we don't pay for shoddy works, and the contractors know it very well. Gone are the days when tenders were paid before doing the job," he declared.

This policy shift signifies a break from past practices where inefficiency and corruption often marred public projects.

By insisting on high standards and withholding payment until work meets specified requirements, the Government is ensuring that public funds are used effectively and that infrastructure projects are built to last.

A striking example of this commitment to quality is the immediate action taken by Engineer Muchena regarding the poorly resurfaced road along Second Street. Upon receiving complaints, the Ministry of Transport ordered the contractor to redo the work, with operations set to commence immediately.

This swift response not only demonstrates the Government's intolerance for substandard work but also its dedication to addressing citizens' concerns promptly.

The broader vision for nationwide infrastructure development is ambitious and transformative.

Road construction projects are currently underway across the country, with major developments planned for Beitbridge, Bulawayo, Victoria Falls, and Forbes Border post.

Minister Mhona highlighted that these efforts are part of the Harare-Chirundu highway upgrade, aimed at establishing Zimbabwe as a crucial transport hub within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) northern corridor.

This strategic initiative is poised to enhance regional connectivity, stimulate economic growth, and solidify Zimbabwe's position as a key player in regional trade.

Moreover, Minister Mhona's remarks on accountability, particularly through social media engagement, reflect a modern and transparent approach to governance.

"If you go to the Constitution, it talks of us being accountable to the citizens, so when you see us posting tweets we are being accountable to citizens," he said.

This openness not only fosters public trust but also ensures that the Government remains responsive to the needs and feedback of its citizens.

It is unfortunate that information acts as a double-edged sword because it can be positive or negative and we are seeing this in our societies.

While it can promote human good, it can also generate negativity that is destructive, retrogressive and detrimental effects to human progress.

The fourth estate has the duty not only to shun and discredit the Government, but also to acknowledge when projects are successful, for instance the road rehabilitation project.

High-ranking officials at the event who included the Parliament Portfolio chairperson on Transport, Honourable Knowledge Kaitano, and the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolitan Province, Honourable Charles Tavengwa, underscores the significance of these infrastructure projects.

Their involvement signals a coordinated and unified effort across various levels of Government to drive forward the infrastructure agenda.

This collaboration is crucial for the successful implementation and sustainability of these projects.

Critics may argue that the challenges posed by economic sanctions and financial constraints could impede the progress of these ambitious plans.

However, the Government's ability to mobilise resources and execute projects amid these challenges is a testament to its determination and strategic planning.

The completion of more than 50 000km of roads since the start of the ERRP2 in 2021 serves as a concrete example of what can be achieved when there is a clear vision and a commitment to overcoming obstacles

Furthermore, the emphasis on transparency and accountability in public works is a critical step toward eradicating corruption and ensuring that infrastructure projects benefit the nation as a whole.

By setting high standards and enforcing strict compliance, the Government is laying a solid foundation for sustainable development.

This approach not only enhances the quality of infrastructure but also boosts investor confidence and attracts potential partnerships and funding.

The Second Republic's infrastructure development initiatives are not just about building roads and bridges; they are about building a future where Zimbabwe is well-connected, economically vibrant, and positioned as a regional leader, in transport and logistics.

The Government's proactive measures, coupled with its resilience in the face of adversity, are paving the way for a brighter and more prosperous Zimbabwe.

The official opening of the dualised section of Nemakonde Way is a significant achievement for Zimbabwe's infrastructure development.

The Second Republic's unwavering commitment to quality, accountability, and strategic growth is evident in this project and many others across the country.

Despite the challenges posed by economic sanctions and financial constraints, the government's determination and innovative approaches are driving tangible progress.

As a progressive country, Zimbabwe continues to enhance its infrastructure, the nation moves closer to realising its full potential as a key transport hub and economic powerhouse in the region.

The future of Zimbabwe's infrastructure development looks promising, and the efforts of the Second Republic deserve commendation and support.

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