Eswatini: Thulani Maseko - Honouring a Brave Defender of Human Rights Murdered in Eswatini


At the second annual Thulani Maseko Memorial Lecture, speakers paid tribute to the Swazi lawyer, saying he was a courageous advocate for human rights.

'It is indeed an honour to be here to participate in an event which is named after a person who United Nations experts referred to as a pillar of human rights - for that, Thulani Maseko truly was."

These were the words of John Jeffery, South Africa's Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development.

Jeffery was speaking at a memorial lecture at the University of Pretoria's Centre for Human Rights in honour of one of its alumni, leading Swazi human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, who was murdered in January 2023. The event was held in collaboration with the Thulani Maseko Foundation and Corruption Watch on Wednesday, 12 June.

"Thulani Maseko worked tirelessly for the protection of human rights, democracy and justice. We all know him as a respected human rights lawyer, and an advocate for human rights, democracy and constitutional reform.

"We think back with sorrow and also with deep respect to his life, and his untimely death in January last year. Thulani's death has resulted in renewed calls for accountability, transparency and urgency to bring the perpetrators to justice," said Jeffery.

Read more in Daily Maverick: Leading Swazi activist Thulani Maseko shot dead at his home

Maseko gained...

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