Zimbabwe: 13,300 Touts, Mushikashika Drivers Arrested

MORE than 13 300 touts and mushikashika drivers have been arrested countrywide in an ongoing operation, which was launched after violence that erupted three weeks ago at a Mutare bus rank.

Offences by some of those arrested have been considered sufficiently serious to warrant court appearances rather than just admission of guilt fines.

National police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the latest action saw 205 touts arrested, bringing the total to 3 195 and 826 mushikashika drivers, bringing that total to 8 355.

"A total of 205 touts were arrested throughout the country under operation, 'No To Mushikashika and Touts'. This brings cumulative arrests to 3 195. Meanwhile, 826 motorists were arrested for pirating, bringing cumulative arrests to 13 308," he said.

Comm Nyathi said the operation was continuing.

Recently, bus operator Esau Mupfumi, arrested after the violent clashes involving touts at the Mutare bus ranks, appeared in court and was remanded on bail of US$1 000 to June 18.

According to the State's case, Mupfumi's senior rank marshal, Farai Chitsa, was allegedly attacked by rank marshals from other bus companies including Mukumba Brothers on May 20, and the bus operator allegedly asked them to retaliate.

On May 23, a group of Mupfumi's rank marshals allegedly drove to Harare Old Rank in Mutare in two commuter omnibuses and attacked marshals from other companies with machetes, sjamboks, sticks and knives.

One of the commuter omnibuses, a Toyota Hiace, registration number AFB2518, was being driven by Michael Chinogara.

The other commuter omnibus, a Toyota Quantum belonging to Mupfumi, was being driven by his worker, only known as Ndemera.

The Mupfumi Buses rank marshals allegedly disembarked and attacked marshals belonging to other bus companies.

Police officers fired warning shots to disperse the crowd, and seven marshals were arrested. Machetes and stones were recovered from the commuter omnibus.

The next day, Mupfumi's marshals clashed with marshals from other companies at Murahwa People's Green Market in Sakubva and when police officers arrived, they allegedly fled to the company's garage.

Eleven marshals were arrested at Mupfumi's garage.

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