Namibia: Nujoma Family Mourns Founding President's Sister

Founding president Sam Nujoma's sister Frieda Daniel has died aged 91, family spokesperson Justina Shingenge confirmed.

Daniel, who was the second oldest sibling in her family, after former president Nujoma (95), died this week.

Shingenge said Daniel grew up taking care of her younger siblings and doing normal daily chores like a typical girl child growing up at a village in northern Namibia.

Shingenge said Daniel shared the liberation struggle history of her late parents, Daniel Nujoma and Helvi Kondombolo.

"Kuku Frieda was highly spiritual and lived by the teachings of the Bible. She quoted Bible scriptures regularly and often advised all children around her to read the Bible every day. She always had good intentions in her heart for others," Shingenge said.

She described Daniel as a humble, giving and loving person who would attend family events, especially weddings.

Shingenge recounted that Daniel had a contagious laugh and brought up many other children from different households.

Shingenge added that Daniel was the epitome of authentic peace, love and genuine kindness.

Daniel leaves behind three children, 21 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

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