Malawi: Social Media Commend Chakwera's Eulogy - Says He Rose to the Occasion

President Chakwera delivered his eulogy at the state funeral service which was held at the Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe on Sunday.

Following his speech which has been described and uniquely powerful and uniting, Nyasatimes observed random Facebook comments expressed their views about the speech online while commenting on posts carried by different media houses:

Pablo Ribalta: I salute President for his exemplary leadership and calming speech at this tumultuous time. It's embarrassing for those that was to breed chaos at the time of mourning. Its sad that so many illiterates have come out propagating their convoluted narratives about the tragic demise of the late VP."

Jane Ngozi: "Speech wayankhula Chakwera yaonetsa kuti mkuluyi ndiwa nzeru. 2025 am voting for MCP".

Sur Scoliat Chithokonya: "Powerful and uniting speech from the President".

Morgan Kamanga: "Chakwera is a great leader. Malawi is blessed having him at this critical moment".

LM Mmbala: Powerful and touching speech by HE".

Mercy NyaKaira Mwamlima: What a speech, indeed we are all looking forward to the investigations. Thanks."

Alfred Chimbalanga: "I have really liked his tone & mood. Politics aside, he has delivered a very powerful message ... as a leader".

Mutsuki Chifundo Paligolo: "A very brave president we have..its a very painful time for all of nthawi yolodzana dzala.."

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