Kenya to Pilot Indonesian Carbon Data Project

Nairobi — Kenya is set to host the pilot project for Indonesian tech company Aeroterra & Eldera Matadata Presisi to enhance environmental sustainability.

This initiative marks a collaborative effort to harness advanced drone and AI technology for real-time carbon data collection.

The project, funded to the tune of $650,000 (83,525,000), is being sponsored by Connecticut-based digital bank Banyan Investment Banking & Hedge Fund and Quantum Metal Group.

The funding will be facilitated through Letscoin, a newly launched digital complementary currency.

"We have fulfilled the commitment we made in late May to appoint a technical partner for the project that will support the Government of Kenya to accurately measure data on the country's carbon deposits in real-time. This data will then be submitted to Verra for approval," stated Thana Balan from Banyan Investment Banking & Hedge Fund.

Verra, a US-based organisation, oversees standards in the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Programme, ensuring the integrity and transparency of carbon credits.

Aeroterra & Eldera Matadata Presisi's selection as the technology partner underscores the innovative approach they bring to the table.

Their drones, equipped with AI-driven technology, will not only assess carbon assets but also assist in soil seeding, which is critical for rejuvenating Kenya's lands.

The project is set to commence once all regulatory approvals are secured, with the consortium's broader vision to scale the initiative across the region under the Investment Bank Humanitarian Contribution Campaigning Programme.

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