Mauritius: NHDC 10 Percent Scheme - Handing Over Keys to 18 Families Under the Social Register of Mauritius

The National Empowerment Foundation (NEF), operating under the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, organised, today in Port Louis, a ceremony of Handing Over of Keys for 18 families, eligible under the Social Register of Mauritius.

The Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, Mrs Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo; the Chairman of the NEF, Dr Mohamud Raffick Sorefan; the Officer-in-Charge of NEF, Mrs Trishna Jogessur; and other personalities were present at the event.

A total of 18 beneficiaries have been selected to receive keys to their NHDC housing units in Mare D'Albert under the 10% NHDC Scheme. Under this Scheme, NEF beneficiaries who are registered and eligible under the Social Register of Mauritius (SRM), acquire the housing unit with full payment from NHDC. These beneficiaries are required to pay only 20% of the total house cost, with repayment scheduled over a maximum period of 30 years.

These housing units, constructed up to 60 m2, consist of one-bedroom accommodation on the ground floor, features a living and dining room, a kitchen equipped with stainless steel sink and tap, and a complete toilet and bathroom setup. Additionally, indoor staircases provide access to the first floor, which comprises another bedroom, a lobby, and a toilet and bathroom with sanitary wares and fixtures. Further amenities include a covered terrace at the rear and a front balcony.

In her keynote address, Minister Jeewa-Daureeawoo underlined the complete support provided by the NEF to all registered beneficiaries. The work plan, she highlighted, extends beyond mere housing provision, encompassing a multifaceted approach aimed at holistic beneficiary empowerment. This strategy includes financial support, educational assistance through recovery classes, and training initiatives geared towards fostering independence among beneficiaries.

Furthermore, she outlined that housing support is tailored to individual needs, offering three main avenues of assistance: construction of houses for those possessing land, allocation of houses through the NHDC scheme with a 20% repayment obligation, and provision of renovation assistance for existing homeowners. Emphasising the significance of housing as a stabilising factor for families, she pointed out that Government has initiated comprehensive measures to ensure each family is provided with a house.

With the support of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Housing and Land Use Planning Minister, Mr Louis Steven Obeegadoo, she stated, a plan to construct 8,000 houses across the country has been set in motion and within this framework, NEF will purchase houses from each lot constructed by the NHDC to allocate to beneficiaries. Mrs Jeewa-Daureeawoo indicated that approximately 20 houses have already been acquired and distributed among eligible beneficiaries in Mare D'Albert.

Additional initiatives are expected to unfold with the implementation of the newly announced budget, further enhancing the Ministry's commitment to addressing housing and familial needs across Mauritius, she said.

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