Ethiopia: Pastoralist, Agro Pastoralists in Borana Zone Anticipate Better Yields After Draught

Addis Ababa — Pastoralists and agro pastoralists in Borana zone of Oromia region are anticipating better harvest from the cultivation of various agricultural products after sustaining drought over the last years.

Officials of Oromia region visited various agricultural activities in Yabello and Dirre districts of Borana zone.

The officials visited animal ranch that aims to maintaining core Borana breeds, small scale irrigation dams and wheat cluster cultivation activities in the districts.

The drought-induced problems due to shortages of rain has hugely affected Borana zone claiming the death of large number of livestock.

However, the pastoralist in the stated districts are currently engaged in agriculture and improved livestock production by drawing lesson from the previous difficulties of natural disasters.

The pastoralists and agro pastoralists said alongside of development of livestock they are cultivating wheat, maize, teff and other agricultural activities through the support of regional government.

They added that the agricultural activities are in good condition and expecting better yields that would contribute to improve their livelihood.

Borana Zone Administrator Abiselam Wariyo said wheat cultivation was not common in the area and now some 128,000 hectares of land have been covered by various crops.

He added that the area is currently receiving good rain and many development activities are being underway in all of the 11 districts.

Some 65,000 tone of forage have been stored as part of emergency preparedness and the zone has managed to stop receiving forage for animals from other places.

According to Head of Oromia Agriculture Bureau, Getu Gemechu who witnessed the development activities in the area, the regional government will exert maximum efforts to ensure the benefits of pastoralist and agro pastoralists in Borana zone and other drylands.

It was indicated that construction of water projects with a cost of 3.4 billion Birr are underway in the zone to be utilized for various purposes.

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