Ethiopia: Media, General Public Urged to Intensify Support for Swift Completion GERD

Addis Ababa — Office of the National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) organized a consultation forum on the role of media in accelerating the construction of the dam in connection with the 13th year anniversary of the dam's commencement.

Speaking on the occasion, Director-General of the Office, Aregawi Berhe commended media institutions in the country for their ongoing contribution in creating awareness about GERD.

Noting that the GERD is being built with a view to ensuring economic sovereignty, he called up on the media and general public to continue their support until the construction of the dam is fully completed.

Thanks to the public's enthusiastic involvement including Ethiopians in the diaspora and the government's steadfast dedication and assistance, GERD's construction has progressed to 96 percent,he siad.

He also mentioned about the ongoing activities aimed at enhancing environmental protection and green development around the dam.

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