Zimbabwe: Rousing Send-Off for Mboma Nyatanga

Scores of football enthusiasts thronged Glen Forest Memorial Park to pay their last respects for Charles Eddie "Mboma" Nyatanga who many regarded as a football super fan.

Nyatanga was laid to rest yesterday at Glen Forest.

He died at the age of 63 last Tuesday in Harare after suffering a suspected heart attack.

The funeral proceedings saw different individuals from all walks of life celebrating the life of Nyatanga, who was the Zimbabwe National Soccer Supporters Association's life president.

Former CAPS United chairman, Twine Phiri referred to Nyatanga as a brother and friend whom he had known for a long time. Nyatanga was a staunch CAPS United fan.

"I last checked on him last Monday and everything appeared fine.

"It was only after two days that I heard about his demise. We have lost someone who was a unifier, who stood for the truth, and had his national team at heart," said Phiri.

Former ZIFA president Vincent Pamire said he was pained by the passing on of Nyatanga. He said the late administrator and businessman was friendly and open to new ideas from others when it came to organising football matters.

"We are left with a big void which will be difficult to fill. For Mboma, nothing was impossible as he would always find a way out. It will be difficult to find someone like him shortly.

"We worked together for a long time and everything he touched turned into gold and we are at a loss as a nation," said Pamire.

Former ZNSSA vice-president Paddington Japajapa, who travelled with Nyatanga on several sojourns, was still at a loss for words. He believes he would have accorded Nyatanga a hero's status if he had the authority to consider his contributions in rallying the whole country to support Zimbabwean football.

Toddy Dzvanga, the Friend of Warriors president, said they have lost a brother and unifier who would welcome every soccer-loving Zimbabwean.

"For us, despite being from another camp the Friends of the Warriors, we are saddened by the passing on of the founder of the ZNSSA. He was a brother who would sit us down and talk to us whenever necessary he was a unifier who did not believe much in factions.

"We managed to establish the Friends of the Warriors through his blessings. We will never have someone like him. Football is poor without him," said Dzvanga.

Warriors supporter Rinos Rambi said it was difficult to take in that Nyatanga is no more.

Fortune "Giant" Bwgoni, who worked closely with Nyatanga, was also at a loss of words following the demise of one of his mentors.

"I am poorer without this man. We were good, and it is so painful that he has left us," said Bwgoni.

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