South African Parties Must Now Learn the Art of People-Centred Coalitions


People-centred coalitions work for the greater good to improve the lives of all who live in that society. They are not about which party holds more power and influence and how it can wield more.

An important grouping must be considered as the intricacies and dynamics of South Africa's new national and provincial coalition governments play out -- the many inhabitants of the country who do not have a physical seat at the table.

South Africa's political landscape has forever changed due to the major electoral shift experienced in the past week, but the population's needs, interests, and voices remain the same. These must not be forgotten or misread as the louder voices of political haggling, ministerial allocations, and policy prioritisation take centre stage. A people-centred coalition must shape its democracy from now on.

The new coalition agreement between the African National Congress (ANC), the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has seen a monumental change in South Africa's political landscape. In KwaZulu-Natal, a coalition comprising the IFP, DA, ANC and National Freedom Party (NFP) has been set up with Thami Ntuli elected as the new premier of KZN.

So far, South Africa's experience of coalition governments has proved thorny and a struggle. The nature of the relationships between political parties has, for the most part, been contentious and difficult, making it difficult for coalitions to work.

Deputy Minister of Higher Education...

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