Tanzania: Zeal to Fortify Unity, Peace

Samia Suluhu Hassan has urged all Muslims and citizens across the country to embrace peace, unity and love one another as they celebrate Eid- Al- Adha.

"I wish you a happy Eid -Al -Adha. May the celebration be with a good day to all of us, featured by peace, unity and love to our neighbours, relatives, friends and all others who need our generosity," Dr Samia on Monday wrote in her X account.

Adding "May God accepts our prayers, forgive our sins and lead us to good deeds, truth, justice and professionalism by being accountable to him and fellow citizens."

Muslims in Tanzania on Monday joined the rest around the world to celebrate Eid- Al-Adha, which commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God.

In his devotion to God, Ibrahim agreed to follow his dream and perform the sacrifice. However, God intervened and sent a ram to be sacrificed in Ismail's place. Ismail was spared because Ibrahim proved he would sacrifice his son as an act of piety, despite the loss it would have caused him.

As part of the festival, which follows the Hajj (pilgrimage), worshippers typically slaughter animals especially sheep, goat and cattle and share the meat to the needy.

Hajj (pilgrimage) is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city based in Saudi Arabia It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and Muslim travel to Mecca in Saudi Arabia for the religious gathering.

It is one of the largest mass gatherings in the world and it is estimated that more than 1.8 million pilgrims are taking part in the pilgrimage this year.

The Eid -Al -Adha celebration prayers at national level were observed at the King Mohamed VI Mosque in Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam in the presence of Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa as the guest of honour.

Addressing hundreds of Muslims who attended the Eid prayer at the mosque, Sheikh Ali Mubarak said that the EidAl- Adha is a reminder to all believers to support the needy, including orphans, so as to attract blessings from God. He demanded Muslims to celebrate with the orphans and neglected old parents, who lack foods.

General Secretary of the National Muslim Council of Tanzania, BAKWATA, Mr Nuhu Mruma expressed his gratitude to Allah for letting all Muslims reach the Eid day, saying the celebration marks the end of Hijja.

He noted that all Tanzania's pilgrims including the country's Mufti Sheikh Abubakar Zuberi, who went to Mecca are concluding their prayers safely and will be back to the country soon.

Mr Mruma said the Muslims' council supports the government's zeal of strengthening unity and solidarity while calling believers to uphold and promote peace.

On top of that, he called upon parents to provide quality upbringing to their children in nurturing future ethical leaders, who can provide justice to all citizens.

For his part, Acting Mufti, Sheikh Ally Ngeruko pointed out mental diseases including depression as the contributing factor of moral decay and social vices such as prostitution in the country.

In that regard, he urged mental health experts in collaboration with the government and social development stakeholders at large, to work collectively on safeguarding the mental wellbeing of all citizens.

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