South Africa: The Chaos Man, Jacob Zuma, Will Always Choose Self-Interest Over That of South Africa and Its People


Ultimately, we must remember that Jacob Zuma remains true to his wrecking-ball nature, but he remains a small man. This is not the agenda of a former president or statesman but rather about a man who will always put his own interests above those of others.

The outcomes of South Africa's elections continue to shape not only the future of the seventh administration, but also the pathway that South Africa will have to chart given the need for coalition partnerships across a number of provinces and around how public power will be exercised out of the Union Buildings for the next five years.

There may be some disappointment with the outcomes of the election, but the outcomes are simply the will of the people. On election day itself, the voter turnout may have been disappointing, and the technical issues that extended voting queues may have proved avoidable, but the will of the people has been expressed and in a free and fair election.

On Wednesday this week, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa was inaugurated at the Union Buildings after the coalition principles were agreed between parties representing 68% of the electoral outcome, and what has been framed as a government of national unity (GNU).

In this moment, we must be assured that our democratic institutions held true, and largely, political parties accepted the outcomes of the election. South Africa's democratic institutions have been tested in part due to the political contestation and desire for power before, and those...

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