Mozambique: Parliamentarian Accuses Momade of 'Silence and Inaction'

Maputo — Alfredo Magumisse, a senior parliamentarian from Mozambique's main opposition party, Renamo, on Wednesday denounced Renamo leader, Ossufo Momade, for his alleged silence and inaction in the run-up to the presidential, parliamentary and provincial elections scheduled for 9 October.

Magumisse, who was one of the candidates who lost to Momade, in the leadership election at the Renamo Congress held in mid-May, called a press conference in Maputo to express his disappointment at Momade's failure to sell the Renamo brand.

33 days after his re-election as Renamo President at the Congress, Momade "has done nothing', accused Magumisse.

"We all know that this country is not being governed, and that Renamo is the alternative', he said. "President Ossufo must show that he is the alternative. He has to wage a pre-campaign'.

During such a "pre-campaign', he argued, Momade should take the opportunity to publicise the decisions taken at the Congress, and to present the members of the Renamo bodies elected by the Congress delegates.

Cited in Wednesday's issue of the independent daily "O Pais', Magumisse claimed there is now a "climate of inequality' inside Renamo, "characterized by nepotism, vengeance and harassment'.

Clashes between members of Renamo should not be allowed to undermine the party's performance, he urged.

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