Kenya: CS Mutua Says Disappointed With Gen Zs for Opposing Finance Bill

Nairobi — Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua says he is disappointed with Gen Zs for opposing the Finance Bill 2024 describing their actions as ill-informed and unnecessary.

Speaking after visiting the police officer who lost both arms during Tuesday's protests, Mutua indicated that proper legislative process was followed.

He further stated that all contentious clauses amended following public input.

"The Finance Bill has been reviewed thoroughly, and all demands from stakeholders have been addressed. Taking to the streets is uncalled for since these demands have been met," Mutua said.

The CS stressed the need for the youth to accept the reality of the country's economic challenges, which necessitate difficult but essential decisions, including taxation.

While acknowledging that taxes are unpopular, he wondered what alternatives those demonstrating and demanding the withdrawal of the finance bill are offering.

He urged Kenyans to be patient as the government works to stabilize the economy.

While affirming the right of Kenyans to protest, the CS also cautioned against demonstrations driven by mere activism and propaganda.

He called for responsible and informed civic engagement, emphasizing that the country's progress depends on lawful and constructive actions.

"Freedom of speech isn't just about speaking, it is also about listening," he said.

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