Mozambique: Minister Demands Discipline

Maputo — Mozambican Defence Minister Cristovao Chume on Wednesday demanded discipline from the soldiers of the country's armed forces (FADM).

Speaking at the end of a course at the Marine Training School in the Maputo municipal district of Katembe, Chume said that military discipline should be understood as the compass which must guide a soldier's mission in all his professional activities.

Cited in Thursday's issue of the independent newssheet "Mediafax', the Minister stressed that military discipline is required "to implement the behaviour required of all those who have sworn to comply with loyalty their military service, and to respect the military hierarchy'.

In the battle against islamist terrorism in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, ever greater determination and courage is required, he said.

"Violent extremism and terrorism must always be at the top of the list of evils to be eradicated from our country, since they endanger our existence as a single and indivisible state', Chume warned.

Worrying signs of lack of discipline have been reported from Cabo Delgado, "Mediafax' notes, ranging from drunkenness among the troops, to extorting money from citizens in areas affected by the conflict, and even to selling information to the terrorists.

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