Uganda: Butebo Pastor Waylaid and Killed, Motorcycle Taken

Security in Butebo District is currently investigating circumstances under which a pastor was murdered in cold blood along Ladot road on Monday.

Richard Malinga, from Oboliso Village in Kalapata Subcounty in Pallisa District, was ministering with Baptist Church in Pallisa.

He was waylaid by unidentified assailants while on his way back from duty on Monday evening.

"He was seen late in the evening around Kayum trading centre going back home. But to our shock when we woke up in the morning, we found his body by the roadside," John Okia, chairperson of Kayum Sub county, said.

The deceased was hit severally on the head, according to preliminary reports, leaving him lifeless in a pool of blood. The assailants also took his motorcycle.

"They hit him badly on the head. We still can't tell the metal that was used to hit him that made him bleed that way," said Carol Nantongo, Butebo Deputy Resident District Commissioner.

According to the area leaders, the incident is not the first of its kind along the road. A few months ago, a similar incident happened around the same spot.

"A teacher was killed in a similar manner. He was from school late evening riding back home when he was beaten to death and his motorcycle was taken. Security should intensify on operation along this road," Okia said.

Ms Nantongo admitted that cases of attacks on the road is becoming a concern in the district and pledged to intensify night patrols.

"We're going to begin regular patrols," she said. "We call upon the general public to comply with us and crack down these wrongdoers."

The deceased's body was taken to Butebo health facility for more examination as police continues with investigations.

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