Uganda: Museveni to Extend Whip to Corrupt District Leaders

Yoweri Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni was warned the whip on corruption is going to be extended to other government officials including district leaders like RDCs, chief administrative officers and district chairpersons.

The president says there is a lot of corruption at the district has which has failed so many of government projects deterring development.

This comes at a time legislators are being picked one by one and detained on cases related to corruption and misuse of public funds.

"This corruption which is happening is not happening on the moon it's happening here. Happening in the sub county, at the districts and constituency," said Museveni.

The president says other government officials especially at district level will be dealt with especially those found to have engaged in corruption.

He believes corruption is the country's major problem failing development of sectors like infrastructure among others.

"Of course now I have opened the war on them so be sure that you are not in my gun sights," he cautioned.

Five members of parliament have been arrested and detained, but there remains questions as to whether this whipping can extended to the big fish who are reported to be siphoning huge sums of money

Buyaga West legislator Barnabas Tinkasimire called the arrest of legislators, an arrest of those "who have just landed on the potatoes by the road side."

Tinkasimire called on president Museveni to "look at life style of some people, the properties they have."

According to Tinkasimire, "these people don't declare the properties and hide them but he (president Museveni) gets to know through his intelligence and doesn't arrest them."

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