Kenya: Any Child of Mine Who Will Not Go to the Streets With Other Children Will Face DNA Test - Kaluma

Nairobi — Homabay Town MP Peter Kaluma has declared that any of his children who fail to turn up in the upcoming protests against the Finance Bill 2024 will face DNA tests to verify their parentage.

This declaration was made following calls for national unity and collective action among the youth.

"Any child of mine who will not go to the streets with other children of Kenya this Tuesday to protest over-taxation and corruption in government will face DNA test!" he exclaimed.

Kaluma, who is known for his outspoken nature stated emphatically that his children must succeed where has failed.

The Homabay Town MP is one of the Azimio La Umoja lawmakers who voted No during the second reading stage of the Finance Bill.

"The children of Kenya MUST walk together to succeed where we failed," he said.

The Finance Bill will be considered by MPs on Tuesday for the committee of the whole house where it will be subjected to amendments.

The anticipated anti-Finance Bill protests on Tuesday are expected to draw the youth as they voice their frustrations over high taxes and lack of accountability from the government.

The protests, largely driven by Generation Z, have escalated from initial outcries on TikTok to widespread street demonstrations.

These protests have reached various social spaces, including nightclubs, as young Kenyans express their opposition to the Finance Bill.

Demonstrations are expected to continue throughout the week, with organized efforts on social media platforms such as X Spaces building a massive movement.

Reports have surfaced alleging that authorities have kidnapped several influencers active on these platforms.

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