Kenya: Wetangula Directs Ichung'wah to Consult IG On Oguda's Whereabout Following Abduction Claims

Nairobi — National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has directed the Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwa to consult with the Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome over the abduction of parliamentary staff, Gabriel Oguda.

This follows complaints raised by Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi who raised concern that Oguda who works in his office as a public policy researcher has been arrested without no access to his lawyers.

Wetangula told Ichungwa to report to the house on the matter within two hours on the apparent abduction of Oguda and several activists.

"I am not privy to any of those facts. You know you have immunity as an MP, you cant be arrested within precincts of Parliament. Your staff will be protected under my watch but we will not protect those who break the law,"

"If you break the law, we can only wish you well. The Majority Leader will find the details and report back to me,"Ichungwa said.

The Minority Leader said Oguda called him at wee hours of Tuesday morning informing him of police officers breaking into his compound and its not clear who had really arrested him.

"This cant be treated as business as usual, it's the same manner that people can abduct people working in the office in the speaker. It will be affront to the independence of Parliament," he said.

Wandayi alleged the recent alleged abduction of people championing for the anti-finance bill is being orchestrated by a police unit which claimed was not answerable to any chain of command.

"This are not things that are new to us but it would be unfortunate if we would regress to the dark Moi days which some of us have been victims to.A trend of abduction of people has been happening in this country by a unit established in the police unit,"he said.

Ichungwa affirmed that Kenya Kwanza Administration will not reinforce abduction of people saying no one is above the law when it comes to offences

"We must all be treated equally in the law whether as an MP or not. If we conduct ourselves against the law we must be arrested in accordance with the law. I will check with the IG whether the staff is in the hands of police so that we avoid speculation of abduction," he stated.

Anti-Finance Bill arrests

Bloggers Oguda and Osama Otero are among content creators and influencers missing following a series of arrests by police ahead of Tuesday's anti-Finance Bill protests.

The arrests have been linked to state agents, who have recently intensified their crackdown on those believed to be mobilizing the protests. The missing individuals had been making numerous posts critical of the proposed Finance Bill and the government.

The two are said to have been linked to hosting massive X-Spaces discussions against the Finance Bill since protests began last week.

Oguda alerted his followers to his impending arrest early in the morning, disclosing via social media that police officers were outside his home.

"Guys. Cops are at my gate," Oguda posted on X at 2:18 am before going silent. His arrest was later confirmed by his brother, Zachary Oguda.

"I can confirm that my brother has been taken by unknown gunmen from his house 5 minutes ago," Zachary posted on X at 2:53 am, informing followers that any posts from the blogger's accounts were scheduled.

Otero also alerted his followers a few minutes after Oguda's distress message, disclosing that five people believed to be state agents were knocking at his door.

"Guys [believed to be police officers] are outside where I am," Otero posted on X at 3 am.

Oguda and Otero have not been heard from since, and their whereabouts remain unknown.

Other X users suspected to have been abducted include Shad Khalif, who was accosted by unknown individuals in South B before being forced into a vehicle on Sunday, and John Frank Githiaka alias Franje, who was taken by unidentified plainclothes officers from his office at Beast Athletic Offices on Baringo Road in Kahawa Sukari.

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