Malawi: Morocco, Malawi Push for Enhanced Ties Through Cooperation Between MPs

Rabat — In a bid to bolster bilateral ties, Morocco's Enaam Mayara, Speaker of the House of Councilors, discussed the importance of coordination and consultation between MPs with Malawi's National Assembly First Vice-President Madalitso Kwaderanji Kazombo. The meeting centered on enhancing economic relations and mutual cooperation.

On this occasion, Mayara highlighted the "excellency of political relations" between Morocco and Malawi, characterized by respect and understanding at bilateral and international levels. These sentiments align closely with Morocco's strategic vision under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, as conveyed in a press release from the House of Councillors.

The talks also reviewed significant stages in bilateral cooperation, emphasizing the dynamic contributions of the Morocco-Malawi Joint Cooperation Commission, slated for its inaugural ministerial-level session in the near future. Regarding the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, Mayara commended Malawi's steadfast support for Morocco's territorial integrity.

In response, Kazombo affirmed Malawi's unwavering commitment to advocating Morocco's interests on various global platforms, particularly concerning the Moroccan Sahara. He expressed admiration for Morocco's advancements across various sectors and conveyed Malawi's interest in benefiting from Moroccan agricultural expertise.

Emphasizing the importance of parliamentary collaboration, Kazombo highlighted the House of Councillors' role in promoting economic and trade relations between Morocco and Malawi, given its composition and focus.

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