Kenya: Kalonzo - We Will Move to Court If Govt Excesses On Demonstrators Continue

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja Co-Principal Kalonzo Musyoka has intensified condemnation of police killings witnessed yesterday following violence that erupted during the anti-finance bill protests threatening to move to court.

Musyoka claimed that more than 200 Kenyans lost their lives while picketing across the country with the military being deployed to assist police in restoring order yesterday evening.

Reports of extensive shooting in several city estates, including Juja and Githurai. However, no immediate casualty figures were available from the relevant authorities.

"We demand an end to the Gestapo / SS - like abductions, killings and immediate release of ALL ABDUCTEES. As Azimio, we will fight to defend the Constitution of Kenya. We shall also be challenging the unlawful actions of William Ruto and his murderous regime," he stated.

The Wiper Leader castigated President William Ruto national address yesterday where he described Tuesday's violent chaos as treasonous and vowed a firm response to restore normalcy.

In a hard-hitting address from State House, the president asserted that the chaos was orchestrated and funded by unnamed individuals aiming to destabilize the country.

"Ruto never condoled the fallen and their families and instead congratulated the brute police for killing innocent and unarmed protesters. This was in the same fashion he did last year where 75 Kenyans were killed during the Maandamano, and he congratulated the police for "a job well done," Musyoka stated.

Musyoka pushed for the withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024 until conclusive dialogue is held to addrss the grievances of the bill raised by Kenyans.

Demonstrations against the Finance Bill began last week, led by Generation Z activists, who planned a week-long series of protests. These started with an Occupy Parliament event and included intentions to march to State House later in the week.

"As to whether William Ruto will listen or not, is what stands between Kenya and total disaster. It is not too late for Ruto to pull the country back from the brink by declining to assent to this oppressive,The Finance Bill, 2024,"he remarked.

Opposition Leader Raila Odinga has urged President William Ruto to delay signing the Finance Bill into law until the grievances of the young generation are addressed.

In a strongly-worded statement, Odinga condemned the government's actions, highlighting that several protesters were shot dead and others injured by police during demonstrations against the Finance Bill.

The protesters eventually stormed Parliament after the Bill was passed, leading to violent scenes that resulted in multiple fatalities.

"Without these first steps, nobody should imagine that the current situation is going away any time soon, and nobody must imagine that Kenyans will sit back and watch police butcher their children in defence of policies whose consequences are pervasive," Odinga said.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has equally voiced his concerns, urging Ruto to listen to the people.

"Leaders must know that the power and authority they have is donated to them by the people. I, therefore, call for calm and for the leadership to show restraint and do the right thing by listening to the people and not being antagonistic to them," he stated.

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