Mozambique: Court Blocks CTA Bank Accounts

Maputo — The Maputo City Court has ordered the blocking of the bank accounts of the Mozambican Confederation of Business Associations (CTA), as well as the seizure of its head office because of a debt of 25 million meticais (393,000 dollars at the current exchange rate) that the Confederation owes to the engineering firm, the Mondego Group.

In the document issued by the court, the CTA has been notified to pay almost 25 million meticais resulting from contracts under which the Mondego Group built three buildings for the CTA in Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane provinces.

One of the firm's directors, cited in Thursday's issue of the independent daily "O país', confirmed the existence of the debt and the legal proceedings opened in court.

According to the source, despite the Mondego group taking legal action against the CTA, it has never closed negotiations. It signed the contracts in March 2017 for the construction of the CTA's provincial headquarters. But since then the CTA has not paid the debt.

For his part, the head of the CTA, Agostinho Vuma, denied that the Confederation owes 25 million Meticais, claiming that there are only two contracts for a total of 12 million meticais.

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