Egypt: Agriculture Minister - Egypt's Agro Exports Hit Dlrs 9bn in 2023

Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation El Sayyed El Quseir said that the agriculture export sector has witnessed "unprecedented successes", adding the volume of Egypt's agro exports hit nearly dlrs 9 billion in 2023.

For the first time in 2023, the volume of exports increased to 7.5 million tons, worth dlrs 3.7 billion, in addition to processed agricultural products (PAPs) worth dlrs 5.1 billion, the minister said in exclusive statements to MENA.

Egyptian agricultural products are exported to the most important international markets, he said, adding Egypt has ranked first in the world in citrus fruits and frozen strawberry exports.

A system of coding and approving export entities has been adopted for nine export crops: pepper, guava, grapes, onions, mango, pomegranate, citrus fruits, strawberries, and peanuts, with the aim of implementing importing countries' legislations, the minister noted.

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