South Africa: Cape Town Cops Arrested Over Confiscated Alcohol 'Not Booked in As Evidence'


In one of several recent corruption-style cases, cops in Cape Town detained a suspect for selling liquor without a licence and confiscated crates of alcohol at the end of May. But it later emerged the alcohol was not handed in as an exhibit in the case -- and the officers have now been arrested.

Listen to this article 4 min Listen to this article 4 min Four Cape Town police officers are facing criminal charges in connection with crates of alcohol they confiscated from a suspect, but which they apparently did not book in as exhibits afterwards.

They were arrested at the Mfuleni police station in Cape Town on Thursday, 27 June 2024.

In response to Daily Maverick questions about the incident, Western Cape police spokesperson Captain Frederick van Wyk confirmed on Thursday that officers had been detained.

Crates of alcohol

He explained that the arrests were related to an incident that happened on 31 May this year.

"[The officers] visited the complainant's address in Sofia Town, Blue Downs, where they arrested a suspect for selling alcohol without a valid license," Van Wyk said.

At that premises, they seized five crates of alcohol -- the exact type of liquor the crates contained was not immediately clear.

"On the way to [the] Mfuleni police station it is alleged that they stopped and told the suspect that she is free to go," Van Wyk said.

The owner of the premises, that the officers had earlier been to, then went to the police station and asked about...

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