Kenya: Nyeri Tea Factory Directors Sent Home, Replaced With New Ones

Nairobi — Most directors at tea factories in Nyeri County have been sent home, highlighting farmers frustrations in the running and management of these facilities.

Out of over 20 slots, only three current directors were re-elected from tea factories, such as Ragati, Chinga, and Gathuthi.

In Ragati, for example, farmers rejected former KTDA MD Eustace Karanja for young Isiah Miano.

Ragati Factory chairman John Kareu was elected in the Cheche zone, while Charles Ndoria was picked in the Magutu central zone.

Those rejected were former directors who were serving under the previous CS, Peter Munya.

While launching the polls during a visit to factories in Nyeri and Murang'a counties, CS Mithika Linturi said that the polls are meant to bring sanity to the sector and eradicate cases filed by former directors in courts of claims of being removed from offices illegally.

Linturi added that the government had no preferred candidate for the directors; hence, farmers had the right to choose their representatives.

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