Tanzania: Manifesto Implementation - CCM Hails Samia, Mwinyi

CCM's National Executive Committee (NEC) on Sunday expressed its satisfaction over the implementation of the election manifesto (2020-25) by both governments of the Union and Zanzibar.

The meeting commended the two Presidents, Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan and Dr Hussein Mwinyi for their efforts in serving the Tanzanians.

The statement issued by the party's Secretary for Ideology, Publicity and Training, Mr Amos Makala, said the NEC meeting, received the report on the implementation of the party's election manifesto (2020-2025) and the state of politics in the country.

"The National Executive Committee has been satisfied with the implementation of the manifesto by both governments of the union under President Samia and Zanzibar government under Dr Mwinyi," he pointed out.

During the meeting, CCM's National Chairperson Dr Samia announced to welcome Mr Peter Msigwa as a new member, having decamped the opposition Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA).

Mr Msigwa, who is a former CHADEMA's Nyasa Zone Chairman joined the ruling CCM Party amid chanting from the NEC members. In a video footage released by CCM on Sunday,

Mr Msigwa was introduced to the members of the ruling party during NEC meeting which was held in Dar es Salaam.

Entering the meeting hall, Mr Msigwa in black suit was escorted by the CCM's Secretary General, Dr Emmanuel Nchimbi to the NEC's members who were chanting 'Tuna Imani na Samia!' (literally meaning we have faith in Samia), the party chairperson at national level.

After entering the hall, the congregation continued chanting 'Tuna Imani na Msigwa' (We have faith in Msigwa), as they welcomed him as new member.

Later on, Mr Msigwa shook hands with Dr Samia, who is also the Union's President, the party Vice-Chairperson (Zanzibar), Dr Hussein Mwinyi and the Mainland's Vice Chairperson, Mr Abudulrahaman Kinana.Msigwa, is former Iringa Urban's Member of Parliament though CHADEMA where he served in two terms from 2010 to 2020.

Recently with a narrow margin, he lost the Chadema's Nyasa Zone Chairmanship during intra elections held on May 29, 2024 to his rival Mr Joseph Mbilinyi famously known as 'Sugu'. Mr Msigwa received 52 votes against Sugu's 54.

Following the election results, Mr Msigwa publicly disputed the results in Iringa saying the election was rigged.

Also read: CCM, CPC underscore strong partnership

He questioned the opposing party's credibility to criticise CCM while conducting unfair internal elections. The meeting also appointed candidates to contest different leadership posts left vacant in the party and its Youth Wing (UVCCM).

The positions include the party's regional chairperson for Tabora, UVCCM's regional chairperson for Shinyanga and party's district chairperson for Misungwi.

The appointed members to vie for Tabora Regional chairperson post are Ms Saada Malunde, Mr Said Nkumba and Mr Athuman Mfutakamba. For UVCCM's Shinyanga Regional's chairperson position, the meeting endorsed the names of Ms Irene Masakilija, Mr Bernard Werema, Mr Makamba Lameck and Severine Mbullu.

On the other hand, the meeting endorsed Emmanuel Masangwa, Anthony Masele and Medard Mwijage for the post Misungi district chairperson.

The meeting also appointed Rajab Abdallah as new member of the NEC, filling the post left vacant following the death of Hassan Wakasuvi.

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