South Africa: SA Must Re-Engineer a Shared National Psyche of Common Purpose and Greater Good


If South Africa is serious about attaining an equal, fair and just society, it must embark on a fundamental transformation to reverse the devastating and long-lasting consequences of multigenerational social engineering.

Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) primarily because he understood that black South Africans had to truly believe that they deserved to be free and could rule themselves. Every ANC manifesto has included the slogan "A better life for all".

Colonialism, separate development and apartheid were all social engineering instruments and if South Africa is serious about attaining an equal, fair and just society, it must embark on a fundamental transformation to reverse the devastating and long-lasting consequences of multigenerational social engineering.

It is evident that at both country and individual levels, South Africans have not dealt with the impacts of our collective traumas and there has been no concerted attempt to re-engineer our society to one with a shared national psyche of common purpose and greater good -- nation-building and social cohesion. This must be driven by and through individuals who see themselves as patriots, active, meaningful, equal and integrated members of a diverse society.

We still vividly remember the challenges behind the birthing of South Africa's democracy, of the battles that took place on our streets to end apartheid and of the intense period...

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