Zimbabwe: Live - Burial of National Hero, Retired Brigadier-General Romeo Daniel Mutsvunguma

President Mnangagwa will this morning preside over the burial of national hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma at the National Heroes Acre in Harare

09.50 - Vice Presidents Dr Constantino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi have arrived at the National Heroes Acre for the burial of national hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma

09.58 -Service Chiefs are in attendance at the burial of national hero Retired Brigadier General Romeo Mutsvunguma.

10.02 - Scenes at the National Heroes Acre in Harare as the country bis farewell to national hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma.

10.09 - President Mnangagwa and First Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa have arrived at the National Heroes Acre.

10.12 - Some of the officials attending the national hero's burial include diplomats, Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri, Minister of State for Harare Metropolitan Province Charles Tawengwa and Harare Mayor, Councillor Jacob Mafume, among others.

10.16 - President Mnangagwa and First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa have arrived for the burial of national hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma at the National Heroes Acre in Harare

10.22 - Brother of the late National Hero, Mr Prince Mutsvunguma is now addressing mourners on behalf of the family. He says the late was a hero to the family who was a motivator and unifier who wanted to take care of everyone. He made sure that everyone in the family got a chance to go to school.

10. 23- He says the late played a critical role in his society including paying school fees for the underprivileged but talented students. He also paid tribute to the President, Government and the entire nation for granting the National Hero status to his brother.

10.25 - A choir entertains mourners at the burial of Brigadier-General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma at the National Heroes Acre

10.31 - President Mnangagwa is now addressing mourners. He starts with salutations.

10.33 - His Excellency says the late Brigadier-General Romeo Mutsvunguma was a consistent, persistent and dedicated cadre. He extends heartfelt condolences.

10.36 - He is now chronicling the late National Hero's history. He says the late led a group of students from his school, St Augustine's in Rusape, into Mozambique for military training and was trained at Morogoro camp.

10.37 - He says Brigadier-General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma played a critical role during the liberation struggle.

10.38 - President Mnangagwa addresses hundreds of mourners gathered for the burial of national hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma at the National Heroes Acre in Harare

10.39 - The President says after independence, he was attested into the Zimbabwe National Army where he proved to be a distinguished military person. This saw him being selected to undergo various trainings locally and internationally.

10.40 - His Excellency says after Independence, the late national hero was attested into the Zimbabwe National Army where he proved to be a distinguished military person. This saw him being selected to undergo various trainings locally and internationally.

10.45 - Due to his exemplary leadership and distinguished service, the late Brigadier-General Mutsvunguma received various awards including the Liberation medal, DRC campaign medal among others.

10.46 - The President says the nation should follow the exemplary service and patriotism exhibited by the late National Hero. He challenges all Zimbabweans to play a part in the development of the country and reiterates the mantra, Nyika inovakwa, igonamatirwa, igotongwa nevene vayo.

10.50 - He finishes his speech by paying tribute to the late Brigadier-General (Rtd) Romeo Mutsvunguma and all the other Heroes who are buried at the National Shrine.

10.57 -A representative from the Mutsvunguma family receives the national flag from President Mnangagwa.

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