Malawi: Billy Kaunda Eulogises Lucius Banda - 'Lets Not Mourn but Celebrate Him

Musician and politician Billy Kaunda, who got his first music exposure because of Lucius Banda, has eulogised the fallen soldier as a person who gave a good part of his life to the service of humanity through music and politics.

He wrote: "I cannot begin to explain how far back I come with Soldier Lucius Banda. What first connected us in mid-1990s were my music ambitions. After recording 'Mwapindulanji?' album in 1997, we worked together when I joined Zembani Band.

As they say, the rest is history.

Soldier was a man, who for the last 27 years, I shared the musical and also the political stage. To those of us who closely knew him, Soldier was the soldier he claimed to be, not only for the poor in this country, but also for the values he held and believed. This guided both his music and politics. His music was a huge political platform that spoke for many. In this, he inspired many musicians in Malawi, including me.

We should not mourn such a man, but celebrate him. He gave a good part of his life to the service of humanity through music and politics. A man of the people who laughed and joked with everyone. He took care of many without saying it. A colossal presence amidst us, both physically and figuratively.

I believe he will look down from the other world and feel that his spirit, as he sang in 'Mzimu Wa Soldier', is resting in peace. He sang: When the poor will get justice, when the widows will be helped, and when the rich and the poor get the same social services; that is when his spirit will rest. In his memory, let us continue fighting for these values.

Soldier, thank you for giving your life to us.

May God comfort the Banda family, the Malawi nation and his fans beyond our borders."

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