Kenya: Bizarre Coffin Protest Blocks Nairobi's Moi Avenue As Demonstrators Mourn Victims

Nairobi — A peculiar protest occurred along Moi Avenue in Nairobi as demonstrators carried and dropped empty coffins, blocking the road near Bazaar Centre opposite Clarion Hotel.

This symbolic act was meant to mourn Kenyans who lost their lives during the ongoing anti-Finance Bill protests.

More than 10 coffins lined with white linen blocked the road.

As the protests entered their third week, the demonstrators used the coffins to draw attention to their cause, mourning the deceased and creating a powerful visual statement.

While some protesters dropped the coffins on the road, others carried them as teargas filled the air, dispersing some demonstrators.

Despite the heavy police presence, many protesters stood their ground, shouting and waving the Kenyan flag. Some of the coffins were draped with the national flag.

In a dramatic scene, police officers attempted to clear the road by removing the coffins.

One officer was heard instructing his colleagues, "Officers, come, let's put these coffins in the police trucks. Move out of the way."

The officers swiftly removed the coffins to restore order.

The situation escalated as police lobbed teargas to disperse the crowd. Although initially resistant, the demonstrators eventually scattered.

Protests also erupted in other cities, including Nakuru, Kisii, and Kisumu, as demonstrators expressed their dissatisfaction with the government and the recent Finance Bill.

In Nairobi, police used teargas to disperse protesters who had converged on major roads in the Central Business District.

Capital FM crew witnessed several arrests of demonstrators and bystanders on Moi Avenue, Kimathi Street, and Kenyatta Avenue by undercover police officers who bundled them into unmarked cars.

Major roads leading into the city center were blocked by protesters accusing police of preventing them from voicing their concerns.

According to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), at least 39 people have been killed since the start of the nationwide protests.

KNCHR Chairperson Roseline Odede stated that Nairobi leads in fatalities with 17 deaths reported.

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