Uganda: We Shall Fight, Rubanda West MP Tells RDC Over Wetland Evictions

Rubanda West County legislator Moses Kamuntu has vowed to fight anyone who evicts people from wetlands in the district.

In October last year, President Museveni issued the directive on vacating and restoring wetlands in a move to conserve the degraded environment in the country.

At least 100 farmers in Kyenyi and Kabere parishes were affected by this wave of forced eviction.

In December 2023, residents of Kyenyi and Kabere parishes in Muko Sub-county, Rubanda West, were up in arms over governments recent campaign to restore wetlands, which has resulted in forced eviction and destruction of crop gardens and tress.

About 100 households were affected by the initiative which was launched in 2023.

Early last month, farmers in Rubanda defied President Museveni's directive for not cultivating in wetlands.

Farmers seemed to be taking advantage of the forth coming season of September to plant food mainly Irish potatoes in the wetlands, despite a presidential directive on wetland restoration.

Early last month the National Environment Management Authority was seen in Wakiso evicting people from Lubingi wetland and later the eviction process was extended to Rwampara District.

But MP Kamuntu warned that the same currency cannot be traded in his district.

Kamuntu made the warning at Kacerere playground during a belated Women's Day celebrations in Bufundi Sub-county.

He said Kigezi Sub-region, people cannot survive without cultivating in the wetlands.

"If I again find the office of Rubanda district Resource management office evicting people from the wetlands, we shall fight," Kamuntu warned.

"I want to inform people who call threatening me to stop talking about wetland issues, you are lying to yourselves. Who told you that I want to die as a Member of Parliament?

"I want to remind all those who think that people should evict wetlands, they should know that us in Rubanda we cannot survive without wetlands. Kamuntu says.

Kamuntu claimed that the President had considered as a special case for the people in Rubanda to keep cultivating in the wetlands.

"The President wrote to me saying that our people in Rubanda should stay in the wetlands," he said.

"Anyone who thinks that I am lying should come and I show them the letter. If am to leave parliament because of talking about the wetland then it's okay." Kamuntu adds.

However, NEMA publicist William Lubuulya insists that the eviction which is seen happening in Wakiso and other districts across the country will be extended to the districts of Kigezi.

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