Kenya: KTDA Shifts Blame to IEBC for Clearing 'Sex Pest' Director

Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) has distanced itself from the election of a director embroiled in a sex scandal, pointing the finger at the country's electoral body instead. This comes as two multinational companies withdraw from tea factories linked to the newly elected representative.

KTDA stated it had no role in managing the election of Mr John Chebochok, except for administrative purposes like providing farmers' details and voting venues.

Mr Chebochok was previously filmed sexually harassing female workers in a BBC undercover investigation in 2023.

"As a legal entity, KTDA has no role. The responsibility of conducting elections was bestowed upon the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). The role played by IEBC included vetting the candidates, receipt of nomination papers, printing of ballots, voting, and tallying of results," said KTDA in a statement.

KTDA added that Mr Chebochok was cleared through this process to run for directorship at Tegat Tea Factory, which also owns Toror Tea Factory, despite his involvement in the BBC exposé.

KTDA says it released a statement on June 25 urging independent bodies to ensure that those cleared were of unquestionable character and ethics.

"Each factory company is an independent entity with its memorandum and articles of association that stipulate how the directors' elections are to be done," KTDA stated on Wednesday.

In response, Lipton, one of the largest buyers of Kenyan tea at the Mombasa auction, addressed Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, expressing regret over Mr Chebochok's election.

"We respectfully urge the relevant authorities to reverse his appointment and take necessary actions to ensure that such cases cannot occur in the future," said Lipton in a statement."Allowing Mr Chebochok, a figure central to serious allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, to stand for and subsequently win election undermines His Excellency President Ruto's ambition for Kenyan tea to be recognised worldwide as a mark of quality."

Lipton has ceased purchasing from the Tegat/Toror factory and has called on other industry partners to follow suit until appropriate measures are taken.

Finlay has also stopped buying tea from Toror Factory. "Please be aware that we will not be able to continue to purchase tea from Toror Tea Factory while Mr Chebochok holds the role of Director," said Finlay in a statement.

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