Zimbabwe: Zig Maintains Stable Trajectory

Cabinet received and noted a report on the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Transfer Programme as presented by the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Honourable July Moyo.

Cabinet advises that grain distribution increased during the week beginning 20 June 2024.

A cumulative total of 51 415,02 tonnes of grain had been distributed to vulnerable and food insecure people by June 25, 2024, as follows:

Manicaland 7 780,64 tonnes;

Mashonaland Central 5 891,09 tonnes;

Mashonaland East 5 207,06 tonnes;

Mashonaland West 6 078,17 tonnes;

Masvingo 10 243,25 tonnes;

Matabeleland North 3 215,13 tonnes; Matabeleland South 4 803,48 tonnes; and

Midlands 7 845,30 tonnes.

Additionally, a total of 2 816,80 tonnes has been collected to date across all provinces under the Zunde RaMambo/Isiphala Senkosi programme.

Cabinet advises that all the people benefiting from the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Transfer Programme in both rural and urban areas will be expected to participate in public works programmes.


Cabinet received and approved a request to amend the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) National Structures, as presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Honourable Dr FM Shava.

In 2023, the then Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, who is now serving as Commissioner in the Public Service Commission, Ambassador J Manzou, was appointed the African Peer Review Mechanism focal point person, representing President Mnangagwa at the African Union.

For continuity and consistency in reporting on African Peer Review Mechanism issues by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the current Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ambassador Albert Chimbindi, has now been appointed the new African Peer Review Mechanism focal point person.

The system has also been amended to ensure that, going forward, the substantive Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade automatically takes over as the focal point person for the African Peer Review Mechanism for Zimbabwe.


Cabinet received and noted an update on prices and availability of basic commodities in the economy during the Second Quarter of 2024, covering the period April to June 2024, as presented by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Honourable NM Ndlovu.

The second quarter of 2024 was largely characterised by stability in the prices and availability of basic commodities across all provinces, both in ZiG and USD terms.

The ZiG currency slightly appreciated in value by 0,51 percent against the US$ during the period under review, with the tight monetary stance that has been maintained having resulted in exchange rate stability, which has translated into the stability of prices of basic commodities on the market.

The market is well stocked with mealie meal and its price has been stable, ranging between ZiG100,01 and ZiG103,8, and between US$5,30 and US$8,50 for 10 kg pack.

The price of a 2-litre bottle of cooking oil has been stable as well, ranging between ZiG54,63 and ZiG56,50, and between US$3,30 and US$4,70.

Bread price has also remained stable, ranging between ZiG14 and ZiG14,50, and between US$1 and US$1,20. Sugar supply has relatively improved countrywide and its price has remained stable during the months of May and June 2024.

The price of laundry soap remained unchanged, ranging between ZiG23,13 and ZiG23,50 in local currency.

The prices of most basic commodities in the formal sector are gradually converging with prices in the informal market, and the prices of some basic commodities, such as cooking oil and mealie meal decreased, in response to the measures put in place to deal with price increases witnessed during the first quarter of 2024.

There is improved ZiG uptake in the market, with transactions on Point of Sale swipe machines seen to be dominant in major formal retail outlets.

Most outlets have pegged their products in ZiG, while some few still display the prices in United States Dollars, although the prices are payable in both currencies.

In most retail shops, 80 percent of the formal retailers' transactions are currently in ZiG while 20 percent are in US dollars.


Cabinet received and noted the national health strategy performance report for the 2021-2024 period, as presented by the Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr DT Mombeshora.

During the first half of the National Health Strategy, life expectancy at birth for females increased from 66,5 years to 68 years, while life expectancy at birth for males remained at 61 years.

The country met the recommended 2010 World Health Report threshold public health expenditure per capita in 2021. Public health expenditure per capita has been increasing since the start of implementation of the National Health Strategy.

There was a general increase in the availability of medicines in health facilities, from 51 percent in 2020 to 54,1 percent in 2021. In the second quarter of 2022, almost 96 percent of public health facilities had at least 80 percent of essential medicines in stock.

Anti-malarials, ARVs and anti-TB medicine stocks remained adequate during the period.

Zimbabwe has made progress in responding to the HIV pandemic over the years.

In 2021, the proportion of people living with HIV who were put on antiretroviral therapy (ART) was 98 percent.

The AIDS mortality rate continues to decline.

The World Health Organisation removed Zimbabwe from the list of 30 high-tuberculosis burden countries in recognition of its success in reducing the burden of TB disease in recent years.

Similarly, the national malaria incidence has seen a steep decline of 70 percent in the last three years, from 32 cases per 1 000 population in 2020 to 9 cases per 1 000 in 2022.

Given that about 90 percent of Zimbabweans access health services through the public health system, the Government is upgrading and expanding the system to provide all the requisite services.

Government introduced quinary level care, which is now the highest level of care meant to offer super-specialised services.

The first quinary hospital is being established and is currently under construction. Government has also made significant progress in the development of new health infrastructure and the refurbishment of existing facilities. Over 78 percent of district hospitals in Zimbabwe have fully-operational theatres to perform emergency maternity surgery, and 93 percent have kits for resuscitating newly born babies.

Overall, the health sector has made significant progress towards achieving the targets set in the National Health Strategy (2021-2025).


Cabinet received and noted a report on the visit by President Mnangagwa's to South Africa for the inauguration of President Cyril Ramaphosa held on 19 June 2024, as presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Honourable Dr Fredrick Shava.

The President attended the inauguration ceremony, which was attended by several Heads of State and Government, and former Presidents, at the invitation of the South African Government.

The ceremony was held amid pomp and fanfare at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. Thousands of jubilant supporters were refused entry into the venue due to limited capacity.

In his inauguration speech, the South African president called for unity among his fellow countrymen.

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