South Africa: Rape Incidents Worry Free State Police

press release

- An alarming increase in rape incidents where women are raped while under the influence of liquor or other substances is a concern for the police in the Free State.

A disturbing number of rape cases have been reported at different police stations across the province. As a result, the police would like to urge the community to join them in curbing these crimes by raising awareness of the following:

Do not walk alone late at night.

It was discovered that most victims are targeted while walking home at night from a drinking place. Others are attacked while going to toilets at drinking places, and some have fallen victim to suspects who follow them to their homes.

The community is urged to stop walking alone late at night, especially in open and dark areas. Avoid open and unlit spaces and streets with vacant houses. It is advisable to use alcohol responsibly and in the company of trustworthy people. It is also a good idea to arrange for safe transport to your home after enjoying a night out. Make sure the house is locked after arriving home, as some victims wake up to find a perpetrator raping them.

Other cases are gender-based violence-related, where the boyfriend or ex-boyfriend forces himself on the victim, which is a criminal offense.

Women should be careful not to go to the homes of ex-boyfriends or persons they know under the pretense of fetching items or getting more money to buy liquor, as this can be used as an opportunity to rape the victim. Such persons should also not be allowed to take victims home or into the home of the lady.

Victims must also be reminded that sexual intercourse should not be viewed as payment for a night out or drinks.

Underage drinking

Stations have also reported an increase in rape cases where minors are victims, and some were found to be highly intoxicated. They will admit to not even remembering who they were with due to being intoxicated.

Police are pleading with tavern owners to adhere to rules on the sale of liquor. If the client is underage, it is an offense to allow such a child to enter the premises. If a patron has had too much to drink, stop selling liquor to them.

Minors alone at home.

Some victims complain that their stepfathers or family members have raped them. Parents should not leave minors unsupervised at home at any time, and neighbours are encouraged to report such incidents. This endangers the lives of minors, as they often fall victim to rape and other crimes.

Reporting of rape cases.

Report rape incidents immediately to your nearest police station, where you will be privately interviewed in a Victim Friendly Facility to help you feel at home so you can provide as much evidence as you can to assist the police in arresting the suspect.

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