Kenya: EU-Kenya Trade Agreement Takes Effect

The EU-Kenya Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) has officially taken effect, in a major boost to the EU-Kenya trade.

The agreement aims to enhance bilateral trade in goods, boost investment flows, strengthen ties between the two partners, and foster mutually beneficial economic relations sustainably, promoting job creation and economic growth.

Notably, the EU-Kenya EPA is the most ambitious sustainability-focused deal negotiated with an African nation.

It includes binding provisions on labor issues, gender equality, environmental protection, and the fight against climate change.

Kenya, East Africa's primary economic hub, holds significant potential for growth in EU-Kenya trade relations.

The agreement is expected to unlock new economic opportunities, with the EU being Kenya's largest export destination and second-largest trading partner.

In 2023, total trade between the EU and Kenya reached €3 billion, a 16 percent increase from 2018.

The EPA is set to create more opportunities for Kenyan businesses and exporters by fully opening the EU market to Kenyan products and encouraging EU investment in Kenya through increased legal certainty and stability.

The Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Kenya was concluded in June 2023 and signed by both parties on December 18, 2023.

It aims to implement the provisions of the EU-East African Community (EAC) EPA and remains open to other EAC countries.

The EPA's ambitious commitments align with the EU's 2021 Trade Policy Review and its trade policy with Africa, aiming to deepen and expand existing trade agreements with African countries while enhancing their sustainability objectives.

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