Uganda: Defiant Ssekikubo Heads to West Nile, North

The movers and seconders of the motion seeing to impeach the four embattled commissioners of Parliament are concerned that majority of the legislators in the areas of their tour to seek the required signatures have resorted to hiding in fear of appending their signatures on the motion.

Addressing the media at Parliament, Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo and colleagues in spite of these negative efforts from some of their colleagues, they are bound not to bow but to devise a new strategy on getting the remaining signatures.

The movers and seconders of the motion seeking to impeach the four embattled commissioners have announced their second last leg of seeking signatures in all the sun regions of Uganda.

"On Tuesday (today), we are heading to West Nile and we shall be in Arua City the whole day and on Wednesday we shall be proceeding to Gulu before proceeding to Lango in Lira and Teso in Soroti and finalising with Moroto in Karamoja," Ssekikubo said.

"We don't want any MP to say that he or she was unable to append his signature on this motion."

They are however concerned that the majority of the MPs in the area of Busoga, Bunyoro and Ankole decided to go into hiding after noticing their visit to collect signatures from them.

Ssekikubo and company are also concerned that except Lutamaguzi Ssemakula, all Democratic Party MPs have snubbed the signing of the censure motion arguing they need a special pen to do so.

"Can you imagine the DP legislators when I call them they make the call busy [reject the call] and when they come here, they say they want a special pen they can use to append their signature on the motion". MP Joseph Ssewungu of Kalungu West said.

"But I want to tell you that the heaven is coming for those that have appended their signatures on this motion in 2026. They will have few words to tell their voters compared to those that have refused to sign to this motion."

The motion movers also revealed that after traversing the country, they intend to organise a national dialogue about corruption at Parliament.

"We'll organise a stakeholders dialogue here at Parliament in the conference hall and talk about corruption in Parliament," Aringa South MP Odria Arion said.

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