Kenya: Professional Suppliers' Body Management to Get Rid of Quacks

Nairobi — The Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM) has embarked on a vigorous campaign to eliminate bogus stakeholders who are practicing in the space.

KISM Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Matiba says the process will ensure quality service delivery to Kenyans.

Matiba says the space has been invaded by quacks who are offering services against the laws of the country.

"We have in the recent past, embarked on a process to strengthen matters of compliance within the sector," he said.

He says the KISM Council is already running targeted compliance assessments with the aim of cleaning up their data.

KSIM is a statutory body established in the country pursuant to the provisions of the Supplies Practitioners Management Act of 2007, with the aim of training, registering, licensing, and regulating supplies chain management institutes in the country.

Matiba says the membership database will be cleaned to ensure that the people engaged in supplies and chain management are people of good standing, as required by law.

He was speaking in Kisumu during a forum bringing together sector players drawn from the six counties of the Nyanza region during the launch of a regional chapter to serve the region.

KISM Council Member Moses Odhiambo says KISM is decentralizing its services, announcing the opening of a branch to serve the region from Kisumu.

Odhiambo said the Council had approved the implementation of regional chapters' governance policies.

"The launch of KISM regional chapter in Kisumu crystalizes the commitment to decentralize its governance structures in an effort to enhance service delivery to its members and engagement with its stakeholders," he said.

He says the regional chapters will help coordinate and organize activities such as member meetings, drive membership registration, regional stakeholder programs, and continuous professional development programs.

The CEO further asked its partners and stakeholders to take advantage of the regional chapters to reach out to them, even in matters relating to professional misconduct.

"Refer to us on those matters instead of taking them elsewhere so that we can deal with them in accordance with the law," he said.


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