Malawi: Zomba Central Parliamentarian Organises Beer Party for Youths

If the right hand was holding a kachasu vermouth then the left was either balancing a hand or factory made cigarette between fingers.

This was a common sight at Gymkhana ground where parliamentarian for Zomba Central constituency Bester Awali organised a gehtto artistic feast.

What was meant to be artistic talent showcasing platform degenerated into beer drinking and weed smoking spree.

The youths, most of them under the age of 18 publicly enjoyed ungraded locally distilled spirit.

As the clock ticked, night gnawed into day light and darkness creeped in. The show metamorphosised into a sex Galore.

"Am shocked, I don't know what the parliamentarian had in mind, but this has morally backfired." Eliza Soko of Chikanda a parent who claimed that her 16 year old daughter was molested at the show.

DJ Moda said the show was meant to senstize youths on how to keep Zomba city clean.

Ironically Gymkhana ground was not that smart after the show.

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