Kenya: Gen Z Will Run Us Out of Town If We Are Not Careful - Kalonzo

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has warned President William Ruto to promptly address the concerns raised by youths to avoid being "wiped out."

Speaking at the signing of the IEBC Bill into law at KICC on Tuesday, Kalonzo warned that if the current regime is not careful, Kenyan youth, particularly Generation Z, will remove them from power.

The Bill was signed a week after protests by GenZ's who have demanded a raft of reforms in government, vowing total accountability on governance and the political class.

"If we are not careful, all of us will be thrown out by the Gen Z because they say they have come of age. You say we are leaders of tomorrow, but we are leaders of now. We can't wish them away," Kalonzo warned.

During the protests, more than 40 protesters were shot dead by police and at least 300 others injured in what has sparked even more anger against the government.

On Tuesday, Kindiki assured that every Kenyan is protected from arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances.

President Ruto assembled political leaders, including longtime Opposition leader Raila Odinga, for the Bill signing ceremony further angering the GenZ's who feel betrayed by the ruling elite.

"The Gen Zs are Kenyans with a right to demonstrate and picket. In fact, they have done it better than us," Kalonzo said, and called for the sacking of police chief Japheth Koome.

"Mr. President, order IG Japheth Koome to resign and take responsibility. Let the armies be taken off our streets and sent back to the barracks," he said.

He urged President Ruto to expedite the recommendations of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report, which was prepared by a committee he co-chaired, noting that the assent to the IEBC bill was one of the recommendations.

Additionally, Kalonzo called for the dismissal of Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome following the deployment of police that resulted in the killing of 42 people during the peaceful protests.

Kalonzo urged the president to address the youth's concerns afresh to ensure the country's stability.

His warning comes after weeks of youth-led street protests opposing the punitive Finance Bill 2024 and demanding government accountability.

The climax of the protests saw demonstrators breach parliament, leading to the shooting, killing, and injuring of several protesters by security forces.

The protests compelled President Ruto to reject the bill in its entirety and pledge to implement austerity measures to reduce government expenditure.

But despite this, the GenZ's are not resting, and have vowed more protests this week until the entire Cabinet is dismissed.

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