Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Pays Tribute to Nationalist Aaron Milner

ZANU PF has paid tribute to the late Cde Aaron Michael Milner, a freedom fighter of note who played a critical role in the quest for freedom of most Southern African countries.

Cde Milner succumbed to pneumonia at his home in Borrowdale, Harare, on June 22 aged 92.

He was born on May 31, 1932, in Bubi District, Matabeleland North to a Lithuanian Jewish businessman, Joseph Milner, and a Zulu mother, Esther Fungwayo Cele.

He spent some of his early life in the villages of Bubi, Mbembesi and Tsholotsho. He was educated at Embakwe Mission in Plumtree.

In a statement, Zanu PF Secretary General Dr Obert Mpofu described Cde Milner as an individual who had an unwavering belief in the freedom of Zambia and the Southern African region at large.

This saw him spend his time contributing towards these goals and objectives.

"I knew Cde Milner from the days of the liberation struggle. He was deeply involved in the liberation of Zambia and several Southern African countries, including Zimbabwe," said Dr Mpofu.

The late Cde Milner held some important portfolios within the Zambian Government and the Union of Moderate Parties.

His strong ties and position in UNIP of Zambia, which led that country to independence, and was in power during the Zimbabwean liberation war, ensured that he played a critical role for Zimbabwe's quest for independence.

Dr Mpofu said during the late 1960s and early 1970s, Cde Milner played an important role in trying to unite ZAPU during one of its most difficult times.

"He made attempts to unite the warring factions in ZAPU pitting Cde James Chikerema and Cde Jason Ziyaphapha Moyo.

"He organised transport and other logistical requirements for some cadres in camps both on the western and eastern fronts to go to Mboroma, Zambia, where all the disagreeing factions were urged to try and resolve the divisions amongst themselves.

"Among the cadres was his uncle, Cephas Cele, and others that I had trained with in Morogoro (Tanzania). It is this disagreement that later led Cde Chikerema to form Frolizi party," he said.

The late Cde Milner was also involved in all the meetings that sought to solve the crisis of liberation movements in their quest to free Zimbabwe.

"He was instrumental in calling out the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa as well as Ian Smith's regime in Zimbabwe, his country of birth.

"He used his influential government positions in Zambia to render as much assistance as he could to the liberation war fighters, not only in Zimbabwe but across the region as well," said Dr Mpofu.

At the end of his long and illustrious service to the government of Zambia, Cde Milner returned to Harare, Zimbabwe, with his wife and some of his children in 1981, where he remained until his death.

Cde Milner leaves behind an indelible legacy as a freedom fighter and a dedicated cadre who served the people of this region with distinction.

He was a former Zambian Cabinet Minister in the Kenneth Kaunda administration. Cde Milner became the first Member of Parliament for Chinsali, the home province of the late former Zambian President Kaunda.

He worked closely with President Mnangagwa who was then in the UNIP Youth league.

Cde Milner rose through the ranks of UNIP to become the secretary-general of the party. He was once a Minister of Defence in Zambia, Minister of Home Affairs and was also in charge of liaison with all liberation movements in Africa.

He was there in 1959 when UNIP split from the African National Congress of Zambia and a decision was later taken to liberate the country.

The Zimbabwean Government granted him a State-assisted funeral and his body was taken back to Zambia for burial.

He is survived by six children namely Ignatius, Sylvester, Philip, Patrick, Jackie and Michelle, together with 11 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

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