Malawi: 11 Indian-Owned Thin Plastic Manufactures Gang Up, Gets a Fourth Injunctions to Stop the Ban

Wide greed, vast disregard and total disrespect for the wish of Malawians could best describe the decision that 11 companies that manufactures thin plastics have made, all of them owned by Indians, to obtain a fresh injunction to stop the manufacturing, distribution and sale of thin plastics in the country.

With over 130 countries in the world already banned thin plastics, thin plastic bags contribute to the global issue of plastic pollution, as each bag take up to 1000 years to decompose with experts saying these bags harm marine life by clogging waterways and killing wildlife.

However, since Malawi banned production, sale and use of these thin plastics years ago, Indian-owned companies, driven by their insatiable appetite of making profits out destroying future generations, have always ganged with a string of injunctions to stop the ban.

On the count, there has over five injunctions which they have taken but unfortunately courts have always dismissed them with the recent being on dismissed by the Supreme Court of Appeal.

In fact, after Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal in Blantyre dismissed the case on June 20th (Civil Appeal Cause No. 29 of 2021), Dr Yusuf Nkungula, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources, announced that starting on July 8, 2024, government will encore enforce a ban on the production, sale and use of thin plastics in the country.

But today the nation is back to its fold, all because of 11 Indian-owned companies who have ganged up and sought yet another injunction stopping government from implementing a ban.

Ministry of Justice Spokesperson Frank Namangale confirmed in a press statement that 11 companies have obtained a fresh injuction restraining Ministry of Natural Resources or the Malawi Environment Protection Authority MEPA from enforcing the ban on thin plastics.

The order grants an extension of time, permission to apply for judicial review, an injunction, and referral of the matter as a constitutional issue.

According to the Namangale, the companies are; Jagot Plastics, O.G Plastics Industries, Plastimax, Polypack, QINGDAO Recycling LTD, Sharma Industries, Shore Rubber, Flexo Pack, City Plastic Industry, G. Plastics Wholesale and Retail, and G.S Plastic Industry.

Isnt this not a case of these Indian-owned companies abusing the courts?

Why cant these companies just adapt to the situation and shift to production of alternative carrier bags that can be recycled?

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